You can’t predict when an injury will happen. Broken bones and other traumas require immediate medical attention. However, you can often manage a simple cut or laceration at home.
That said, it’s important to understand when you should seek medical care for a laceration. Mercy Medical Urgent Care in Lake City, Florida, can treat cuts and lacerations when you need more than a simple bandage.
All lacerations require some first aid to examine the cut, control bleeding, and reduce the risk of infection.
Basic first aid for a skin laceration includes:
Keeping the wound clean and covered promotes healing and protects against infection.
A laceration isn’t always a reason for concern, particularly small cuts and scrapes. However, some lacerations may be deceiving, so it’s important to understand the factors that call for professional treatment.
If you’re in doubt, medical care for a laceration is always the right choice. Urgent care is necessary if your laceration includes any of the following:
Bite-related lacerations can become infected easily, so prompt treatment is vital. Seek urgent medical care for a laceration caused by an animal or human bite.
Deep or large lacerations likely require stitches to ensure that the cut heals properly without reopening, increasing the risk of infection.
It’s important to monitor the wound as it heals. Specifically, watch for signs of infection, including:
Left untreated, infected lacerations can lead to spreading infection, including a life-threatening condition called sepsis.
Infected wounds typically require antibiotics. The original laceration and the severity of the infection determine the dosage and duration of treatment.
Contact Mercy Medical Urgent Care immediately when you have a laceration that’s causing concern. Call 386-758-2944 to confirm your visit.